Custom S.W.A.T. Van

S.W.A.T. Van 

The Grove City Police Strategic Response Team (SRT) unit does high-risk search warrant execution, surveillance, dignitary protection and hostage/barricade negotiation and response. Creative Mobile Interiors converted this Workhorse 16-ft. response unit to seat 14 and hold all the specialty gear SRT officers use on the job.
Seating is provided in upholstered benches and aluminum grab rails are mounted to the ceiling.
Strips of red and blue LED lighting run across the windshield and the rear doors to clear traffic when needed.
It has custom storage cabinets for the group’s firearms, ammunition, helmets and protective body gear, tear gas, riot shields, battering rams, infrared cameras, electronic listening devices and throw phones for hostage negotiations. 
The SWAT van also holds 12 personal lockers and a workspace for a dispatcher.
The unit also includes white and red lights inside, so that officers can adjust to night vision before stepping out of the vehicle.