Interactive Museum & Zoo Experiential Exhibits

Various Interactive Museum and Zoo Exhibits / Displays 

CMI has been lucky enough to work on several design/builds for multiple zoos, science museums, interactive displays, and event / tradeshow exhibitions.  These projects range from awesome to ridiculous, and we've loved every minute.  We've cut a Jeep in half and tiger-proofed it for a zoo's tiger exhibit, we've built a massive revolving circular sofa to represent the sun in a solar system exhibit, and we've cut up parts and pieces of airplanes for several different aeronautic museums.  If you've got an interesting/different display/exhibit in mind, we can do it! 

Interactive Museum Zoo Experiential Exhibits
Creative Mobile Interiors Interactive Exhibit Custom Zoo Project Tiger Jeep Custom Jeep Vehicle Cut In Half Experiential Marketing Custom Built Furniture Creative Mobile Community Project Museum Projection Project Creative Mobile Interiors Specialty Marketing Columbus Zoo Project Creative Mobile Interiors Heart of Africa Creative Mobile Interiors Airplane Exhibit Interactive Marketing Columbus Zoo Project Interactive Child Education Creative Mobile Interiors Educational Zoo Project Airplane Lion Exhibit Creative Mobile Interiors Museum Airplane Restoration Custom Airplane Cockpit Museum Model Creative Mobile Interiors Food Truck Exhibit Custom Zoo Experience Creative Mobile Interiors Custom Built Food Truck Model Interactive Exhibit CMI Project Custom Animal Displays Experiential Zoo Marketing CMI Community Project Animal Education Science Exhibit Creative Mobile Museum Interiors Custom Marketing Custom Built Interactive Education Exhibit CMI Community Project Custom Airplane Museum Model Creative Mobile Interiors