Mobile Pregnancy Lab

Mobile Pregnancy Lab


This 04' Holiday Rambler was brought to CMI by Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers who offer free and confidential services related to pregnancy and sexual health.  Many small renovations were completed on this vehicle to make it more functional.  A privacy wall and door were installed behind the driver's area to make a room for consultations.  A custom-built table sits evenly on the steering wheel and acts as a desk for the physician, and the captain's chairs swivel to face each other.  A custom sofa was installed in the waiting room area.  Many additional lights were installed in the bedroom of the bus, which was turned into an exam room.  We also installed an exam table and ultrasound machine. 



Mobile Pregnancy Lab
Holiday Rambler Mobile Pregnancy Lab Mobile Pregnancy Lab Waiting Room Mobile Private Consultation Room Steering wheel table Mobile Pregnancy Lab Mobile Exam Room Mobile pregnancy lab custom exam room custom lighting